Sunday, August 19, 2012

A little more about me

Today I am going to share a little of my story so people can begin to really know me.

I was born to a single alcoholic Mother and I am the oldest. My Mom was the oldest of 6 kids herself. When I was 3 years old I was put into the DCFS system(Childcare services). I proceeded to go through 6 different homes before I was adopted at the age of 6. I was adopted by a couple who had an older child of there own. The home was not a great place for me. I was constantly being emotionally abused by my Adopted Mother being called names and my self esteem has been through hell my whole life. I was told by her that I would never amount to anything and I would be a bad Mother.

 I was basically beat down by her with her words every day. To this day I struggle with my self esteem.

I was not allowed to have any friends, go to any sleepovers. I couldn't watch too much TV and I had to be outside in the yard all day if it was above 32 degrees. She would take me to Psychiatrists and when things would start to get around to talking about her treatment of me she would pull me out of that Psychiatrist's office and send me to another. I was not a bad kid because I was always afraid to do anything wrong. I never talked back at all.

I started running away in the 4th grade and ran off and on for almost 5 years. When I was in 9th grade and was 16 years old I told the police that I would only go back to that house if I had a court order to return.

Thankfully I never got that court order.

I spent the next 3 years going in and out of foster homes and in the process went to 5 different high schools. I never actually graduated but I did get my GED right away after I quit when I was 19 years old. This is when my Biological Mother died and I will end today's Blog at that and tomorrow will share the after my Mom's death life.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Politics(yes I am going there)

OK I am just going to come out and say that I am a SCREAMING Liberal.

I was raised in a family that did not talk about politics alot(Actually we never talked about anything)so my life experiences and personal passions have shaped my views. I will never back down from my beliefs and am teaching my kids the same.

I am very excited that in the 2016 Election for President my daughter will be voting for the first time.

I believe that everybody has a right to be married to the one that they love.Fifty years ago my marriage was considered illegal because it is an interracial marriage.As long as the two people are not related and love each other as consenting adults who's business what genitals they have.

I believe that health care is a right and not a privilege. We have always been a low income family and when my husband was working we had to pay more for health insurance for our son because he has asthma, me because I have endometriosis which are both considered preexisting conditions.We made $50.00 a month more than would allow us to get on Medicaid  so Obamacare is a great thing.

I also believe that it is not government's job to "create" jobs, however it is Governments job to keep the jobs that are already here in this country. If our own people are not working here then how are we going to have long lasting financial freedom from other countries.

I believe in woman's rights. I am sooooooo pro choice. A woman's body is her own and what she decides to do with it is her choice. It is a woman who has to decide to carry a child to term or not.Birth Control is not for a man to control when a pregnancy happens to the woman and not the man. The woman has to carry the baby and then give birth to the baby possibly causing harm to her body in the process.

Last of all, Religion has no place in politics.There is separation of church and state for a reason.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Why I believe in total self led Potty Training

Ok here we are discussing Potty Training or as I have done with all 3 of my kids self led potty going.

My Daughter,Harmonie is 3 years and almost 3 months old and this is our potty experiences. I have cloth diapered her since around 15 months old and have loved it(There will be future blogs on my CDing experience) She has been slowly potty learning for the last year. I will not push her as she will not be going to preschool until next year at 4 years old. She started showing interest in the potty at around 2.5 years old so we started potty training. I found some Gerber underwear at the thrift store(also future blogs about my love of second hand) so I cleaned them out of all they had at 25 cents each.She had a little setback as far as potty training at around almost 3 years old where she was holding her poop in and would only go about once a week. We had to go back to the beginning of potty training and start all over. I will sing the praises of Pomegranate juice as a pooper helper forever.
Well,she did 1 poopy on the potty and decided that she treally didn't like it at all. She will do number 1 all day long but number 2 at this point she will ask for a diaper.I will not push her to go on the potty, I will not fight her.  My 2 oldest self potty learned as well and my son who is now almost 13 actually overnight potty trained himself when he came to me at 18 months old and asked for big boy underwear and has never had an accident in his life.
So here we are waiting for that day when Harmonie will decide that pooping on the potty is a great thing again.  I will not push it because I don't want to cause longterm effects on her bowels do to holding and emotional effects as well. I refuse to potty train for a schools schedule. Potty learning is not a matter of smarts but a matter of biological function after all, she is smart. She can say her ABC's, knows all her colors, can count from 1 to 10 in English and Spanish and can say her full name and her age, all things that you learn in Kindergarten.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Getting ready for Back to School

Yes, I am counting down the days till my 2 oldest go back to school! I love them but the bickering is terrible. I think they have a 5 minute tolerance point for each other. We went to registration yeasterday and picked up the schedules for both. They are both going to have busy days! My 7th grader is going to a new school building. They split up the Gifted program that he is in to make room for expansion in the program. New school building, but glad that the same friends.He is my social butterfly.
  My daughter is starting High School and her schedule will keep her bouncing back and forth across the school all day long. I am crossing my fingers that the adjustment to High School will be a smooth one. She picked up all her books and they are huge. Algebra,Physics and Literature. I am soo glad I don't have to take those classes. I would fail at Are You Smarter than  5th Grader.
  Now comes the fun part of getting school supplies together. This weekend we will be going through the last years school supplies and the stuff I bought last year that was on sale like the penny filler paper. I know we have enough filler paper, glue sticks and notecards to last through High School for both of them.
 Next year it will be getting ready for all 3 kids since my youngest will be in preschool. It is going to be great and sad all at the same time.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

This is me

Hello people,
This is me and I will be blogging daily on my Political views,parenting as a SAHM and the craziness that is being married to a Marine Corps Veteran. I am a raging Liberal(So if you don't like that Oh well), and I will be posting some of my life experiences once in a while so people can understand why I am the way I am today.
I am a Cloth diapering Mama who believes in delayed Potty training,babywearing and cosleeping. My kids come first for me and my house is chaotic but ordered chaos.
My kids are 14, almost 13 and 3 years old . Stay tuned for crazy  kid stories and occassional rants on motherhood and being married to a Crazy Marine Corps veteran(yes he IS crazy but I love him).