Wednesday, August 15, 2012

This is me

Hello people,
This is me and I will be blogging daily on my Political views,parenting as a SAHM and the craziness that is being married to a Marine Corps Veteran. I am a raging Liberal(So if you don't like that Oh well), and I will be posting some of my life experiences once in a while so people can understand why I am the way I am today.
I am a Cloth diapering Mama who believes in delayed Potty training,babywearing and cosleeping. My kids come first for me and my house is chaotic but ordered chaos.
My kids are 14, almost 13 and 3 years old . Stay tuned for crazy  kid stories and occassional rants on motherhood and being married to a Crazy Marine Corps veteran(yes he IS crazy but I love him).

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